Laser Hair Reduction
Quanta System is an Italian company that manufactures laser systems for cosmetic, surgical, and artistic applications. Quanta System lasers are used in a variety of applications, including:
- Permanent Hair Removal
- Wrinkle Reduction
- Aggressive Acne and Acne Scar Reduction Surgical Scars
- Benign Vascular and Pigmented Lesion Removal
- Multicolor Tattoo Removal
- Fractionated Resurfacing
- Dermatological Surgery
- Nail Fungus
The Quanta System’s technology uses short, intense pulses of light to break up tattoo ink beneath the skin. Your body’s natural processes will then remove the ink over a period of several weeks.
Laser Thunder MT
Here you have the option to choose between single and dual emission. This makes it possible to remove even very light and thin hair with very high efficiency. This laser is currently considered one of the most effective lasers. Quantum cascade lasers have many advantages. Tunable across the mid-infrared spectrum from 5.5 to 11.0 μm (900 cm-1 to 1800 cm-1). It provides quick response time. They also provide significantly brighter spectral brightness than synchrotron light sources.
1-6 treatments may be necessary 4-6 weeks apart. The fractional laser treatment can take between 10-60 minutes, depending on the surface of the area being targeted. The skin is first cleansed; there is no need for anesthesia or gel, no downtime, back to your normal routine, due to the use of an integrated cooling system this ensures a painless session. These no-invasive resurfacing treatments use an Erbium Glass with a 1540nm wavelength that splits the laser beam into 1000’s micro beams to produce micro coagulation of tissue.
- Stimulates new collagen elastin fiber without creating any injury to the surface of the skin allowing the surface of the skin to remain intact.
- Producing microscopic coagulation of tissue under the horny layers of the skin to a depth of 1.5mm only
- Micro beams penetrate well below the surface layer of skin and in the epidermal layer, effectively eliminating deep pigmentation, scarring, acne, and other skin concerns.
- Immediately after the treatment, redness, and swelling may occur this will subside within 24 hours