Product Absorption with Isoderm
Latest technology for transdermal delivery, there was an exciting new electro-cosmetic modality launched in Australia. It is designed to take transdermal therapy to a new level and significantly improve the results of all skin care treatments, including anti-aging treatments. This new technique is called electroporation and is performed using a device called ISODERM.
This method, traditionally used in medicine, is now also being adopted by the aesthetics market, offering exciting advances and new possibilities for salon treatment results.
Clinical Isoderm
Clinical Isoderm is an advanced system that combines microdermabrasion and electroporation on the same platform. Manufactured by Mattioli Engineering with a patented 45° handpiece, the Clinical Isoderm was the world’s first closed circuit system. The angle of the handpiece is important for using the handpiece like a pen and ensuring good visibility during treatment.By incorporating an electroporation handpiece, better results can be achieved after completing a microdermabrasion treatment or as a stand-alone anti-aging treatment.
Main Benefits:
Some advantages of the Clinical Isoderm Microdermabrasion System are:
- No downtime
- Closed-loop technology that ensures hassle-free usage and saves you money
Crystals only flow when contact is made with the skin, flowing only when you want them to
- Minimum and trouble-free maintenance
- Unique slim tip meets the skin at 45° so you can see the treated area clearly
- Pen-like control around hard-to-reach areas such as the delicate area around the eyes.
- Combines powerful suction and abrasion with one-way airflow
- Eliminates any possibility of cross-contamination
- All hand-pieces, tubes, and bottles are autoclave-able and/or disposable
- Simple set-up. No hidden tubes, and no messy clean up after each treatment
- Simple yet effective operation
- Variable levels of power operation for client comfort or deeper abrading
Can do delicate areas such as around eyes and over eyelids
Results can be observed right from the first treatment
Excellent treatment for skin with:
- Sun Damage
- Uneven Texture
- Granular Skin
- Blackheads and Comedones
- Fine Lines and Wrinkles
- Enlarged Pores
- Minor Acne Scars
- Most Surgical scars and stretch marks
- Dull, Congested or Dry skin
- Blemished Skin
- Active Acne
- Aging Skin
- Wrinkles
- Superficial Rhytids
- Scar Revision
- Localized Hyper Pigmentation and Mark Reduction
- Pre-treatment for Further procedures
The Ionto Electroporation Handpiece
The Ionto handpiece is a device that is easily attached to the side of the clinical isoderm and can be operated independently of the microdermabrasion treatment. This handpiece is used for iontophoresis, which is the non-invasive administration of drugs, chemicals, or products to the skin. The results are similar to injections, but no needles are used. This procedure is often used by doctors and therapists to achieve beneficial results by allowing anti-aging products to penetrate the skin faster and last longer.
How it works?
The handpiece emits an electrical charge of approximately 0.5 volts that interact with the nerves, allowing a communication process between the brain and the treatment area. Stimulation of the nerves in this area opens the skin’s pores, allowing products on the surface of the skin to penetrate deeper layers of the skin. To ensure the maximum effectiveness of this device, the operator must introduce only high-quality and nutritious products into the skin.
Added Benefits
The Ionto handpiece also has a built-in vibrator which is very beneficial for massaging the facial muscle. This benefit coupled with the electrical stimulation results in very noticeable face-lifts. The face-lifting treatment can be conducted as a stand-alone de-aging treatment, but for maximum results in product penetration and for the face-lift a microdermabrasion treatment if recommended to be completed first.
What the client feels?
Electroporation Treatments with the Ionto Handpiece
Electroporation treatment has great anti-aging effects when performed after microdermabrasion treatment. Not only is this treatment very relaxing for the client, but it is also a very effective treatment to rejuvenate the facial muscles, resulting in a highly visible facelift.
In addition to the exciting results of a facelift, the operator can also infuse products into the skin. This process is called iontophoresis. Electrical stimulation allows rejuvenating and repairing serums and other beauty medicines to penetrate deeper into the skin, allowing them to trigger rejuvenating effects faster or for longer-lasting effects.
This treatment is a must for any client who wishes to enjoy the noticeable results of a face-lift coupled with the benefits of nutrient-rich products acting faster and longer.